Safety, Significance and Belonging for All

W e’re here to create affirming school environments where every single adult and child feels safe, knows they matter, and that they belong.

SOREN inspires equity and amplifies teacher voice by connecting educators with the professional learning support needed to build capacity for safety, significance, and belonging for all. We bring together educators, community leaders, local and state officials to elevate needs and ensure equitable access to relevant professional supports for all public educators in our region.


To improve experiences and outcomes for every person in schools by connecting with courage and compassion to build empathy, shift limiting beliefs, inspire imagination, empower educators, improve school climate, radically transform systems, and ultimately – do no harm.

Professional Development Opportunities

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Serving 3 Oregon Counties

We serve Jackson, Josephine and Klamath Counties in Oregon. SOREN is coordinated by an Advisory Team whose 37 members mirror regional student demographics and include 53% teachers, 22% administrators, 25% community partners.


“Good teaching cannot be reduced to technique; good teaching comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher.”

– Parker Palmer, The Courage to Teach