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Decision Making Tips

(visit website)

Levels of Family Involvement

(visit website)

20,000 Listening Hours by age 5

(download PDF)

Love and Languages

(watch video)

Learning about Hearing Loss A Roadmap for Families

(download pdf)

Advantages of Early Visual Language

(download pdf)

Eye Gaze and Joint Attention

(download pdf)

Family Resource Guide

(download pdf)

If You Think Your Child Has Hearing Loss

(download pdf)

Spoken Language Strategies

(download pdf)

Hands and Voices

(visit website)

California School for the Deaf ASL Facilitates English and Spoken Language Skills

(download pdf)

Hands and Voices of Oregon

(visit website)

Parent to Parent

(visit website)

All About Audiology

(visit website)

American Society for Deaf Children

(visit website)

AG Bell

(visit website)

Global Coalition of Parents of Children Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing

(visit website)

National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management

(visit website)

Hands and Voices

(visit website)

Guide By Your Side

(visit Facebook)

Listen While You Work, Play and Throughout Your Day

(download pdf)

Hear to Learn Language Materials and Games

(visit website)

The Listening Room

(visit website)

Listening Practice

(visit website)

Learning to Listen Second Level

(download pdf)

Listening Activities to Do at Home

(download pdf)

Understanding Auditory/Listening Skill Levels

(download pdf)

Listening and Spoken Language Tips

(watch video)

Experiencing and Listening to Music

(visit website)

Getting Ready to Listen and Learn

(visit website)

Hearing Building Blocks

(visit website)

Video Tips

(visit website)

Explore Common Sounds through Listening

(download pdf)

Stages of Listening, Language, and Speech Development

(download pdf)

Talking Tips
Summer 2020

(download pdf)

Talking Tips
Nov/Dec 2020

(download pdf)

Talking Tips
Nov/Dec 2019

(download pdf)

Talking Tips
July/August 2019

(download pdf)

Talking Tips
February 2019

(download pdf)

Talking Tips
March 2018

(download pdf)

Talking Tips
October 2015

(download pdf)

Talking Tips
Aug/Sep 2015

(download pdf)

Talking Tips
March 2015

(download pdf)

Teach Your Monster to Read

(visit website)

ASL Storytelling

(watch video)

Epic Reading

(visit website)

CATS ASL Library

(visit website)

15 Principles for Reading to Deaf Children

(visit website)

Bedtime Routine

(watch video)

Listen While You Work, Play and Throughout Your Day

(download pdf)

Morning/Evening Hearing Aid Checklist

(download PDF)

Using Daily Routines for Language Learning

(visit website)

Routines: A Remarkable Way to Learn Language

(download pdf)

Cochlear Implants:

What is a Cochlear Implant and How Does it Work?

(download pdf)

Pre-Implant Evaluations

(download pdf)

Follow-up and Rehabilitation

(download pdf)

Early Expectations for a Child with a Cochlear Implant

(download pdf)

Cochlear Implant Surgery: Tips for Surgery and Activation

(visit website)

Hearing Aids:

Morning/Evening Hearing Aid Checklist

(download PDF)

Caring for Hearing Aids and Earmolds

(download pdf)

Baby’s First Hearing Aid

(download pdf)

Retention Strategies for Hearing Devices

0-12 Months

(download pdf)

12-24 Months

(download pdf)

2-5 Years

(download pdf)

Hearing Device Helps

(visit website)

Ling 6 Sound Test at Home

(watch video)

Free ASL Learning Resources

My Deaf Child

(visit website)

ASL Connect

(visit website)

American Society for Deaf Children

(visit website)

SignWise Apps and Ebooks

(visit website)

American Sign Language at Home

(visit website)

Visual Language & Visual Learning: Parent Toolkit

(visit website)

Seek Identify Plants and Animals

(visit website)

Virtual Field Trips

(watch video)


(visit website)


All About Audiology

(visit website)

Hearing First

(visit website)

A Child’s Voice

(visit website)

5 Step Guide

(download PDF)

Effectively Working With Professionals

(visit website)

Making the Most of Your Child’s Audiology Appointments

(download pdf)

All About Audiology

(visit website)


(visit website)

Pediatric Audiologist Mamahuhears

(follow on FaceBook or Instagram)

Listen with Lindsay

(visit website)

Hands and Voices

(visit website)

Developmental Milestones

(visit website)

Recognizing and Responding to your Child’s Communication

(download pdf)

Stages of Play Development

(visit website)

Identify the Signs of Communication Disorders

(visit website)

Play Time Tips

(visit website)

Benefits of Play

(visit website)

Indicadores Del Desarrollo

Información acerca de la pérdida de audición – una guía para las familias

Mantener los Dispositivos Auditivos Puestos en Niños Pequeños



Esta Guía de Recursos para la Familia

AUDIOGRAMA de sonidos familiars

TIPS Espanol

Buenos Dias/ASL

Básica Palabras/ASL

The 5-Step Guide to Navigating your Child’s Hearing Loss

Relación de la pérdida auditiva conlas necesidades de escucha y aprendizaje

Verificación del Funcionamiento Auditivo de las Prótesis Auditivas


Cuidando los audifonos de

Información sobre la campaña Aprenda los signos

Etapas de desarrollo auditivo, lenguaje y habla

Explore los sonidos comunes a través de la audición

Las expectativas iniciales para un niño con un implante coclear

Rutinas: Una manera notable para aprender lenguaje

Oír para aprender

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