The English Learners / Indian Education / Migrant Education / SOBAASS program provides services to Jackson, Josephine and Klamath County school districts. We help districts create, implement, and maintain programs that provide equitable learning opportunities for all. Our goal is to develop curricula and teaching strategies that embrace each learnerās unique identity and to help break down barriers that prevent students from succeeding in school. Funding is provided primarily through Title 1C Migrant and Title VI Indian Education grants, with additional funding provided by SOESD and local foundation grants.
The SOESD English Learners/Indian Education/Migrant Education Department provides workshops, presentations, coaching, and consultations on the building, district, and regional levels to school districts in Jackson, Josephine and Klamath counties. Workshops, presentations, and coaching can be individualized to meet your building/district’s needs.
SELD (Systematic English Language Development)
Systematic English Language Development (SELD) is a framework developed by Susana Dutro to assist teachers and administrators in designing and implementing effective English Language Development programs. The SELD Booster course will provide participants an opportunity to update SELD materials and to analyze and strengthen lessons they have already taught. Participants may also plan new lessons using the refined framework. The course is based on the Focused Approach to Systematic English Language Development Instruction developed by Susana Dutro.
SELD Resources: Units and Lesson Plans
- E.L. Achieve’s Systematic ELD website
- Hueneme Elementary: Avenues Lesson Plans, K-5.
DOWNLOAD FILE - Ord Terrace Elementary School: Lessons linked to Carousel.
DOWNLOAD FILE - San Diego Unified School District’s Year Long ELD set of units For their Year at a Glance overview.
DOWNLOAD FILE - Whittier City School District’s has plans plus many additional resources for various levels–28 weeks worth for grades K-2 and 3-5, plus some started on 6-8.
SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol)
This workshop provides participants with an intensive and comprehensive approach to implementing the SIOP model (Sheltered Instructional Observational Protocol). Sheltered English is a method of instruction used throughout Oregon by content area teachers to meet the academic needs of English Learners. Often characterized as “just good teaching”, sheltered English focuses on higher order thinking skills by using context embedded approaches, visual organization, and making the materials concrete. A “must” workshop for the teacher who knows that everybody can learn if the methods used are appropriate for the learner. The SIOP model (Sheltered Instructional Observational Protocol). SIOP is one method of instruction used throughout Oregon by content area teachers to meet the academic needs of English Learners. The model falls under the larger category of Sheltered English Instruction.
As part of our SIOP training, we offer specific instructional strategies which can be downloaded here. This link is a zipped file of all of our “Blue Sheets’, which describe the strategies demonstrated in the workshop.
SIOP Resources
Here are copies of some of the documents used with those strategies, which can be revised for your classroom use:
Constructing Meaning:Ā Explicit Language for Secondary Content Instruction
Constructing Meaning offers teachers the process and the tools to identify specific, content-driven language objectives and design instruction to address those objectives. A backward design approach is fused with the principles of second language acquisition to create student-centered classrooms in which rigorous academic teaching includes explicit language instruction. Constructing Meaning is designed for secondary teachers and is particularly useful for Social Studies and English Language Arts teachers.
Constructing Meaning is a product of E. L. Achieve and you can read more about its background by clickingĀ here.
Constructing Meaning Tools and Templates
Created by teachers in the SOESD Region.
GLADĀ (Guided Language Acquisition Design)
GLAD is a model of professional development in the area of language acquisition and literacy. GLAD promotes English language acquisition, academic achievement, and cross-cultural skills. Tied to standards, the model trains teachers to provide access to core curriculum using local district guidelines and curriculum. During the staff development, teachers are provided with the instructional strategies, the theory and research that support the model, and the curriculum model that brings these all together in the context of district and state frameworks and standards. The second part of the training is a demonstration session in the classroom where the model is demonstrated with students.
GLAD Units and Lesson Plans
Interpreter/Translator Training
The Interpreter/Translator workshop focuses on the importance of the selection and training of interpreters and translators in the school setting, while clarifying the distinction between the two roles. This is a participatory experience, which provides a forum for discussion of pertinent interpretation/translation issues and practices. We offer both an Introduction to Interpretation 3-day workshop and an Intermediate Interpretation workshop that focus on IEP interpretation.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Equity is achieved when all students receive the resources they need so they graduate prepared for success after high school. –Ā Center for Public Education
SOESD is currently the recipient of a Meyer Memorial Trust grant to support our districts in their equity efforts. The current collaborative of districts includes SOESD, Medford, Ashland, Phoenix-Talent, Central Point, Eagle Point, and Grants Pass.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Resources
Migrant after school, summer school, and preschool programs are available to qualified migrant students in Jackson, Josephine, and Klamath counties. The programs are designed to support students in meeting challenging academic Reading and Mathematics standards. In addition, Migrant students automatically qualify for Free Lunch and receive an accident insurance policy. Migrant staff also link families to community support services as needed.
Migrant After School Programs
Migrant After School programs are implemented by the local districts and funded by SOESD’s Migrant Education. They provide homework help and tutoring at many differentĀ sites throughout our region.
Migrant Summer School Programs
Migrant Summer School programs are run by the local districts and are funded by SOESD’s Migrant Education.Ā They serve preschool to high school students.
Migrant Preschool Programs
These programs are implemented by Head Start, the Child Care Resource Network, and the Oregon Child Development Coalition and funded by SOESD’s Migrant Education.
Secondary Transition Program (Sobresalientes)
Sobresalientes offers assistance to Migrant seniors with the process of obtaining scholarships and selecting post-high school educational opportunities. These include FAFSA preparation activities, scholarship application support, and instruction in essay writing and letters of recommendation strategies.
Academia Latina
Academia Latina is a one-week summer residency program for Latino/a middle school students, held at Southern Oregon University in August. The program is designed to help middle school students orient themselves as future college students, and to provide direct instruction in math, reading, leadership, theater, technology, science, art, and dance. High schools students participate in a Leadership experience.
High School Equivalency Program (HEP)
HEP is a University of Oregon-based residency high school equivalency diploma program for migrant students who meet certain criteria.Ā Students must be between the ages of 16 to 21, have dropped out of school, complete the math and reading tests, written essay and application.
The Southern Oregon Indian Education Program’s purpose is to provide services that address the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of American Indian and Alaska Native students in Jackson and Josephine counties in order to help them achieve to the same high standards expected of all students. It is funded by Title VI Indian Education, a federal program.
SOESD has organized the Southern Oregon Indian Education Program (SOIEP) Consortium. The participating school districts act as a Consortium in order to coordinate services to our eligible American Indian/Alaska Native students and combine our resources and efforts for efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
Teresa Cisneros
Carrizo/Comecrudo Nation of Texas
Indian Education Facilitator
541.245.4619 ā office
541-892-0016 – cell
NASU Strong Futures
- Financial aid and scholarships
- Senior and service projects
- College and vocational school applications
- Writing and reviewing application essays
- Finding Tribal educational resources for funding and support
More Resources
- Bureau of Indian Education: Scholarships and Grants
- National Indian Education Association: Scholarships for Native Students
- American Indian College Fund
- Native American Scholarships
- American Indian Education Foundation
- Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes Scholarship
- American Indian Services Scholarship
- Catching The Dream Scholarship
- United South & Eastern Tribes Scholarship
- Pueblo of Zuni TribalĀ Scholarship
Campus Visits
The Strong Futures program takes groups of students who are enrolled in the Indian Education program on college campus tours throughout Oregon. This is an opportunity for students to experience campus life and see what options they have after high school.
Other Services
- Tutoring
- Consortium Parent Committee (CPC)
Native Games
The Southern Oregon Indian Education Program is excited to announce our annual Native Games event. The first games took place in 2015 at the Southern Oregon University Raider Stadium. The event includes Native games from The Klamath, Cow Creek, and Coquille Tribes such as Sjima, Shinny, Hoop and Arrows, and Ring Games!
Indian Education Links
- The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde site features and Education Section that provides a comprehensive offering of Educational services to Tribal members. It includes information on Early Childhood, Youth, and Higher Education. And, it now has a Tribal History Curriculum for fourth grade.
- Confederated Tribes of Siletz
- Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
- Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians
- Coquille Indian Tribe
- Nez Perce Tribe
- Klamath Indian Tribe
- Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians
More Resources
- The Wisdom of the Elder Curriculum ProjectĀ This is a very well organized site!
- The Oregon Department of Education’s Indian Education Resources
- Oregon Indian Education Association
- United National Indian Tribal Youth (UNITY)
- Education Northwest’s Indian Reading Series: Stories and Legends of the Northwest
- United National Indian Tribal Youth – Web Links
- OSU’s Native American Longhouse, Eena Haws – Links
- Native Youth Magazine
How to register for the program
Parents/guardians needs to fill out theĀ Title VII Student Eligibility Form (Form 506)Ā (PDF file)Ā in order to register their American Indian/Alaska Native student. Please use a separate form for each student. Please return the completed form to: SOESD Indian Education, 5465 S. Pacific Hwy., Phoenix, OR 97535
Scholarship Resources