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School Improvement Services

Eco-Explorers: Turning Ideas into Action!

By Administration, News, School Improvement Services, School-Wide Improvement

What an incredible day at Eco-Explorers! The SOESD STEAM Hub, in collaboration with community partners and dedicated educators, came together to design relevant, place-based, career-connected projects that students will engage in throughout the school year. With the generous support of Innovaciones Alumbra, educators from Josephine, Klamath, and Jackson counties worked alongside local industry and community partners to develop meaningful learning experiences that introduce students to careers in sustainability, conservation, and green industriesā€”all while deepening their connection to the places they live and learn.

From firewise school campuses to habitat restoration projects, these collaborations are just getting started, and we canā€™t wait to see students bring them to life in the coming months. Stay tunedā€”weā€™ll be sharing their progress along the way!

Hereā€™s what participants are saying:

ā€œThank you for such a powerful workshopā€”this has inspired me to do so many things with my students.ā€
ā€” 4th Grade Teacher

ā€œThis is such an amazing opportunity! Many of my students have difficult family situations and providing them with a chance to experience hands-on learning outside the normal scope of their day is such a gift! Thank you for this!ā€
ā€” 3rd Grade Teacher

ā€œThank you so much for hosting such a wonderful event! It was a great opportunity to sit down and connect with Southern Oregon educators.ā€
ā€”Community Partner

Refocusing Professional Learning

By News, School Improvement Services, School-Wide Improvement

SOREN Implementation Jay Schroder co-authored an article, “Refocusing Professional Learning: Cultivating Teacher Wellbeing to Promote Agency” that has been published in theĀ Holistic Ed ReviewĀ Journal. This article discusses Jayā€™s work with Teach From Your Best Self (TFYBS) and shares promising results from early research findings about the impact of this important professional learning. You can read the article here:


Oregon Regional Teacher of the Year Nominations are Now Open

By News, School Improvement Services, School-Wide Improvement

The Oregon Department of Education, in partnership with the Oregon Lottery, is pleased to announce the continuation of Oregon Regional Teacher of the Year to honor exemplary educators in every region of the state!

  • Nominations are open statewide through February 6, 2025
  • Teachers will submit their applications by April 6
  • Oregon Education Service Districts will select a winner from their region
  • Regional Teachers of the Year will be honored across the state in May 2025!
  • One of the Regional Teachers of the Year will be named the 2025 Oregon Teacher of the Year in September 2025 and will be eligible to apply for the honor of the National Teacher of the Year!

Regional Teachers of the Year will receive a cash prize of $1000 and will be celebrated across the state.Ā  The 2025 Oregon Teacher of the Year will receive a $10,000 cash prize (with a matching $5,000 going to their school!) and serve as a spokesperson and representative for all Oregon teachers.

Anyone can nominate a teacher! All Oregonians are encouraged to nominate their favorite teacher today at:

Herald & News Article: Klamath Community College helps find transitional housing solution

By News, School Improvement Services, School-Wide Improvement

The apprenticeship program at Klamath Community College is about to roll out temporary housing units under two separate projects that are giving its students hands-on experience in home building, while helping those in need.

The construction of small cottages is part of Gov. Tina Kotekā€™s housing initiative pumping millions of dollars into small home construction, or transitional housing. Once completed, the homes are sent to areas of need. In Klamath County, two such cottages and a storage shed will help families who lost their homes to the Copperfield Fire east of Chiloquin. Eight primary residences and 22 other buildings were destroyed in the 3,822-acre fire which started on Sept. 1, according to the Oregon Department of Forestry.

Read More.

Southern Oregon AI Summit 24

By Autism, Curriculum and Assessment, Distance Learning for All, Homepage-Notices, News, School Improvement Services, School-Wide Improvement

Oregon! This state-wide in-service October 11th, come join us for a full day of session on AI and emerging developments in the field. We will cover education uses from teacher support, and student use to AI and the law. We hope to have something for both our educational audiences, and the larger community. A wide range of speakers has been selected to provide topics designed to meet your needs and inspire your exploration into the expanding uses of AI.


October 11th is Statewide In-service Day!


Jackson County Health & Human Services
140 S Holly St.
Medford, OR 97501

Free for Southern Oregon ESD Region Educators, Community Partners and educators from other areas welcome at a nominal $50 registration. If you group would like to set up group registration please contact us.

Contact Information

Aaron Cooke at 541-261-0107

Register Here


Dr. Rachelle DenƩ Poth

Educator, Attorney, Consultant, Author
Dr. Rachelle DenĆ© Poth is an edtech consultant, presenter, attorney, author, and teacher of Spanish and STEAM: Emerging Technology. Rachelle has a Juris Doctor degree from Duquesne University School of Law, a Masterā€™s, and a Doctorate in Instructional Technology. Rachelle specializes in AI, AI and the Law, AR/VR, Cybersecurity, SEL, and STEM, in addition to other topics as requested. She has more than six years of teaching and presenting on AI in her classroom and working with educators worldwide.
Rachelle is an ISTE-certified educator and recipient of the ISTE Making IT Happen Award and several presidential gold and silver awards for volunteer service. She presents regularly at state, national, and international conferences and provides professional development and coaching for educators on a variety of topics, including assessments and emerging technologies such as AI, AR and VR, and STEM. She is the author of nine books and a blogger for Defined Learning, Edutopia, and Getting Smart.


Mandy DePriestĀ forĀ AI for Education
Our mission is to provide AI literacy training to 1 million educatorsĀ and lead the responsible adoption of Generative AI in the education ecosystem, empowering teachers and ultimately improving student outcomes while preparing them for the future.

Mandy is a Curriculum & Content Developer at AI for Education. SheĀ has over 15 years of experience in public education, having served asĀ a classroom teacher, library media specialist, and instructional coach.Ā She has also taught education technology courses in higher educationĀ settings as well as professional development workshops for teachersĀ on the transformative power of technology. She is committed toĀ ensuring that students are prepared for the dynamic demands of theĀ future by leveraging the power of technology-driven instruction.

Victor Villegas

Broadband & Digital Technologies Adoption Coordinator
Oregon State UniversityĀ |Ā Extension & Engagement Computing Technology Unit

As Broadband and Digital Technologies Adoption Coordinator at Oregon State University, I engage with communities and organizations across Oregon to help them access and use broadband and digital technologies safely and responsibly for education, telemedicine, workforce and economic development. This includes promoting and educating on topics such as digital equity, digital literacy, safe computing/cybersecurity, and digital technologies adoption.

Anjali Rajpara from Brisk
Brisk Teaching is a Chrome Extension designed for educators and school leaders, offering tools that streamline lesson planning, align curriculum with academic standards, and provide real-time data insights, helping teachers reclaim 10-20+ hours per week.

Anjali serves as the Customer Success Lead at Brisk Teaching. Since joining the team early this year, she has supported hundreds of schools and districts in implementing Brisk. Previously, Anjali spent five years on the Customer Success team at NoRedInk, also partnering with districts in a similar capacity. She is passionate about supporting teachers and students through leveraging the power of technology.


Little girls and teacher learning at preschool.

Grants Pass EI/ECSE SOESD Programs Featured in Media

By News, School Improvement Services, School-Wide Improvement

Free Preschool for 4 and 5 Year Olds

With the assistance of SOESD, starting in the 2024-25 school year, the Grants Pass School District will offer FREE preschool for four and five-year-olds living within GPSD7 boundaries. The new preschool program will accommodate 36 children in its first year, and bring together children with and without disabilities into one inclusive classroom.

Read the article


The Power of Inclusive Classrooms at Gilbert Creek Child Development Center

In this episode, host Rafael Otto visits Grants Pass, Oregon, to talk with Shannon Bilbao and Susan Peck from Gilbert Creek Child Development Center. They discuss why inclusive classrooms are so valuable for the healthy development of all children and share examples of what they see in their classrooms.

Listen to the Podcast




Southern Oregon Career Center

By News, School Improvement Services, School-Wide Improvement


Empowering Southern Oregon students for career success and regional prosperity.


Transforming Southern Oregonā€™s future workforce by empowering students to pursue meaningful career pathways. We envision a regional hub where students discover their passions, acquire in-demand skills, and gain hands-on experience, preparing them for successful careers that drive our regionā€™s economic growth.


  • Equity and access to opportunities
  • Partnerships with education, community, and industry
  • Community involvement and investment
  • Innovation in the way we teach, learn, and apply knowledge
  • Responsiveness to evolving needs
  • Commitment to achieving a future of possibilities

Meet the School Improvement Team 2024-2025

By News, School Improvement Services, School-Wide Improvement

SOESDā€™s School Improvement Team serves our 13 component districts in a variety of ways including:


Supports for Focal Student Groups

  • English Learners
  • Migrant Education
  • Indian Education
  • Southern Oregon Black/African American Student Success (SOBAASS)
  • LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success (pending grant funding)

Supports for Educators

  • Southern Oregon Regional Educator Network (SOREN)
    • Mentoring/Supports for Novice Educators

Ā Supports for Partnerships

  • Klamath Promise
  • Student Behavioral Health and Wellness (collaboratively w/ SOESD Student Services)

Supports for Systems and Conditions

  • Student Success and Integrated Planning
    • Attendance and Engagement

Supports for Resources

  • Educational Technology and Data Analytics
  • Division 22 Library Media

Supports for Career Connected Learning

  • STE[A]M Hub
  • Southern Oregon Career and Technical Education Consortium (SOCTEC)
  • Grow Your Own
  • Registered Apprenticeship in Teaching
  • Regional CTE Center (in development)

Members of this team also provide service and leadership on a variety of regional and state initiatives, including:


Dr. Mark Angle-Hobson, Director of School Improvement Services, serves on

  • Oregon Department of Educationā€™s LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success Advisory Group
  • Coalition of Oregon School Administratorā€™s (COSA) Equity Board
  • Resolve Center for Restorative Justice Board of Directors and Secretary
  • Community of Stewards, Region 16 Comp Center (serving Alaska, Oregon and Washington)

Heather Armstrong, School Improvement Specialist, Southern Oregon STE[A]M Hub, serves on

  • Oregon Math Leaders, co-chair
  • Oregon Council of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM), Area 8 Representative
  • Rural STEAM Leadership of Oregon, facilitator
  • Oregon Science Leaders

Karla Clark, Program Manager for the Southern Oregon STE[A]M Hub, serves on

  • ODEā€™s STEM/CTE Network State Planning Team
  • Statewide CTE Advisory Council
  • Oregon STEM
  • Rogue Workforce Partnerships and Business Education Partnerships
  • Associated General Contractors Workforce Coalition
  • Oregon Career Connected Learning Design Team
  • Oregon YOUSCIENCE integration Lead
  • SOREDI Foundation Board Member
  • Josephine County Vocational / Mentor Committee
  • Oregon ACTE Board Member
  • Oregon Housing & Community Services TeamOregonBuild Think Tank

Aaron Cooke, Program Manager for Data and Integrated Instruction, serves on

  • Oregon Department of Educationā€™s Rules Advisory Committee
  • Oregon Department of Educationā€™s Remote Learning Advisory Committee
  • Southern Oregon Civics Learning Project Educator Advisory Committee
  • Josephine County Broadband Advisory Committee
  • Rogue Valley Broadband Access Committee
  • COSA Student Supports Workgroup
  • Oregon Registered Apprenticeship in Teaching Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee Board Member
  • Oregon Department of Educationā€™s EDTech Cadre
  • Southern Oregon CUE
  • Oregon Digital Leaders Coalition, as Board Member
  • Oregon Department of Educationā€™s Integrated Technology and Learning Standards Committee
  • Southern Oregon Fire Ecology Education Board

Miranda Doyle, Library Media Specialist, serves on

  • Oregon Association of School Libraries
  • Oregon Intellectual Freedom Committee

Erin Green, Program Manager for Student Behavioral Health and Wellness, serves on

  • Resolve Center for Restorative Justice Board of Directors
  • Behavioral Health Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) Action Team
  • Jackson County Youth Systems of Care Work Group
  • Parent Support/Family Preservation Work Group
  • SO Health-E Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Work Group
  • SOREN Advisory
  • ACEs Interface Team
  • CASEL SEL Fellowship

Chris Howard, Klamath Promise Specialist

  • Cascade Health Alliance – Advisory Committee
  • Klamath and Lake Long Term Recovery Group/Community Organizations Active in Disaster COAD – Board Member
  • Klamath Youth Serving Cohort
  • Klamath Youth Advisory Board
  • Suicide, Overdose, and ACEs Prevention Program
  • Southern Oregon Family Resilience Project

Jacquie Jaquette, School Improvement Specialist, serves on

  • Jackson Care Connect Board Member
  • Jackson Care Connect, Community Advisory Committee
  • Jackson Care Connect Financial Advisory Committee
  • Jackson County Youth Development Work Group
  • Jackson County Chamber of Commerce Education Task Force
  • Josephine County All Care Systems Of Care Advisory Executive Committee
  • Josephine County All Care Systems of Care Committee
  • SOREN Advisory Team Member
  • Statewide EDM , DEI, SEL/SEB, SSA, HSA, EIIS Collaboration Group Member
  • Southern Oregon Success Youth Development Work Group Member
  • Southern Oregon Success Network Work Group Member

Jenni Jones, School Improvement Specialist for Mentoring, serves on

  • Chautauqua Poets and Writers Board President
  • Southern Oregon Computer Using Educators (SOCUE) Board Member
  • Oregon Association of School Libraries
  • ODE EdTech Cadre

Jessie McClung (DuBose), Program Manager for Klamath Promise, serves on

  • Foundations for a Beī€‰er Oregon, At-Large Board Member
  • Oregon Opt-In Initiative Advisory Committee
  • Oregon Opt-In Initiative Flexible Resource Design Committee
  • OHSU Research in Oregonā€™s Community Review (ROCR) System Advisory Board
  • Oregon MESA Regional Equity Committee
  • SMART Reading Leadership Council for South Central Oregon
  • South-Central Early Learning Hub – Professional Advisory Committee
  • Klamath County Commissioner Roundtable
  • Healthy Klamath Coalition
  • Tobacco Coalition (Klamath County)
  • Klamath Basin Career Connections Initiative
  • Klamath Youth Attendance Taskforce (YAT)
  • Klamath County School District School Improvement Advisory Committee
  • Klamath Falls City Schools Attendance Team
  • Ross Ragland Theater and Cultural Center, board member
  • Klamath County Well Water Work Group

Dr. Heidi Olivadoti, Southern Oregon REN Coordinator, serves on

  • Oregon Education Association – Region 3 Uniserv Council
  • Social Emotional Learning for Oregon (SEL4OR) Statewide SEL initiative
  • Southern Oregon Success
  • Family Connections
  • Transformative Education Leadership Fellow
  • Oregon Educator Advancement Council – Region F Educator Network

Brian Robin, CTE Regional Coordinator, serves on

  • ODEā€™s Career and Technical Education State Teachers Recruitment and Retention Team
  • ODEā€™s Career and Technical Education State Communications/Planning Team
  • ODEā€™s Career and Technical Education State Small/Rural/Remote Schools Planning Team
  • CTE Program of Study Stateside Standards Review Panel
  • CTE Perkins Reserve Grant Managers Panel
  • Oregon Housing & Community Services TeamOregonBuild Think Tank
  • Regional Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (RAMP)
  • Rogue Healthcare Workforce Partnership
  • Associated General Contractors Workforce Coalition
  • Klamath Basin Career Connections Initiative

Jasi Swick, Facilitator for SOESD Indian Education, serves on

  • CEEN: Cultural Ecological Enhancement Network Board
  • KODIAC: Keeping Our Diverse Indigenous Ancestry Alive Collective Board
  • Southern Oregon Native American Advisory Council
  • Cobell Alumni Leadership Council
  • Southern Oregon University Raider Advocate
  • State of Oregon, Native American/Native Hawaiian/Alaskan Native Professional Learning Community

Andrea Townsend, Coordinator for Focal Student Groups, serves on

  • COSAā€™s Equity Board
  • Governorā€™s Quality Education Commission
  • ODEā€™s Ad-Hoc ELL committees/advisories
  • Regional ELL/Migrant /Indian Ed. Meetings
  • COSAā€™s Administrators of Color Attinity Group
  • Meyer Memorial Trust Fund EDI Collaborative
  • Oregon Equity Directors and Leaders Collaboration Meetings
  • USCIS Southern Oregon Partnership Meetings

SOREN Summer Summit 2024

By Autism, Curriculum and Assessment, Distance Learning for All, Homepage-Notices, News, School Improvement Services, School-Wide Improvement

Please join SOREN and a host of our partners as we engage in a week dedicated to you, our educators. We have brought together leaders and educational practitioners from around the country based on your input. We hope to inspire and re-energize you for the coming year. If you have questions, please contact Aaron Cooke or Crystal Kawamura.


August 5th-9th


Multiple sites throughout our region.

SOREN Summit is made available through a variety of programs and grants. The summit is free to SOESD districts and their educators.

Contact Information

Aaron Cooke at 541-261-0107

Crystal Kawamura Call Ā 541-776-8590 ext 1171

For educators outside Jackson, Josephine, and Klamath Counties who wish to attend,
please add a SOREN Summit Passport.


Register for Individual Events Below

Crafting Your Equity Lens 3-Day Jackson

Crafting Your Equity Lens

3-Day Jackson County
Crafting Your Equity Lens, offered by Matthew Reynolds Consulting (MRC), provides a carefully designed learning experience that is rooted in dignity, courage, and love. Participants can expect to be challenged by how the world they currently see and experience is shaped by culture and reinforced socially. Beliefs, biases, judgment, and perceptions about people outside their own experience will be gently unearthed and brought into the light. Through deep self-reflection, learning, embracing, and letting go, this three-day course promises to open awareness and awaken hearts and minds.

Dignity and Belonging Leadership Fellowship (Cohort 3) Admin Focus 2-Day Jackson

“Dignity and Belonging Leadership Fellowship (Cohort 3) Admin Focus

2-Day Jackson County
Join the company of people with diverse lived experiences who are driven to learn and want to act with courage and compassion to shift beliefs, improve systems, build community, and co-create conditions where each and every adult and child can thrive. You will explore the dysfunctional cycle of equity implementation and learn how to nurture a culture of dignity and belonging instead.

Transformational Social Emotional Learning Framework & Standards 1-Day Jackson

Transformational Social Emotional Learning Framework & Standards

1-Day Jackson County
Join us for a half-day informational workshop diving into the TSEL Standards implementation in Oregon for the 2024/25 school year. Participants will receive an overview of the TSEL Framework and Standards, followed by a deep dive into the Stages of Implementation, with dedicated time for collaborative workshopping of school/classroom Implementation Plans. We’ll explore strategies for integrating TSEL Standards into grade-level content and curriculum, and review assessment and reflection tools. Additionally, organized resources will be shared to take back to staff and colleagues. This workshop promises to be an enriching experience, equipping participants with the knowledge and resources necessary to create supportive learning environments.

Restorative Circles: Cultivating Resilience and Compassion through Understanding 1/2-Day Jackson

Restorative Circles: Cultivating Resilience and Compassion through Understanding

1/2-Day Jackson County
Join Resolve Center for Dispute Resolution and Restorative Justice to learn how restorative circles cultivate resilience within our communities. Through dynamic discussions and hands-on activities, participants will gain practical skills to facilitate circles to build connection and social awareness in diverse settings, fostering a culture of collective resilience.

Addressing Severe Behavior at School through Compassionate, Trauma-Assumed Instruction 1-Day Jackson

Addressing Severe Behavior at School through Compassionate, Trauma-Assumed Instruction

1-Day Jackson County
Participants will learn about the Practical Functional Assessment and Skill-based Treatment (PFA-SBT) process. PFA SBT emphasizes meeting students in their place of joy, ensuring they are happy, relaxed and engaged (HRE) as a foundation for teaching and building rapport and honoring their communication. The goal is to help students acquire the skills needed to function successfully at school and other settings while also learning to cope with the unpredictability and routine frustrations of everyday life. Ultimately, PFA SBT is focused upon improving quality of life for our students.

Indian Ed 101 & Tribal Consultation 1-Day Jackson

Indian Ed 101 & Tribal Consultation

1-Day Jackson County
Hello relatives! Learn all about Title VI Indian Education. You will leave this training understanding Title VI federal program, how it works and what the expectations are. You will learn tools in engaging in the complicated world of tribal culture in our schools including culturally relevant family engagement.
Our Southern Oregon community has its own distinct needs when it comes to supporting our students locally. You will have an opportunity to learn the history and how our Indian Ed program has grown over the years. You will gain access to our programming, community engagement and partners in our intergenerational and inclusive model. You’ll also enjoy a First Foods lunch provided by Teresa. See you there!

Ricky Robertson 101 1-Day Klamath

Ricky Robertson 101

1-Day Klamath County
In his “101” workshop (“A Schoolwide Approach to Trauma-Informed/Social-Emotional Supports”), Ricky Robertson will deepen participants’ understanding of trauma-informed behaviors, social-emotional supports and restorative practices as well as introduce strategies for implementation of the principles and practices in the classroom and schoolwide.

Addressing Severe Behavior at School through Compassionate, Trauma-Assumed Instruction 1-Day Klamath

Addressing Severe Behavior at School through Compassionate, Trauma-Assumed Instruction

1-Day Klamath County
Participants will learn about the Practical Functional Assessment and Skill-based Treatment (PFA-SBT) process. PFA SBT emphasizes meeting students in their place of joy, ensuring they are happy, relaxed and engaged (HRE) as a foundation for teaching and building rapport and honoring their communication. The goal is to help students acquire the skills needed to function successfully at school and other settings while also learning to cope with the unpredictability and routine frustrations of everyday life. Ultimately, PFA SBT is focused upon improving quality of life for our students.Ā 

Ricky Robertson - Advanced Planning Alumni Gathering 1-Day Jackson

Ricky Robertson – Advanced Planning Alumni Gathering

1-Day Jackson County
In the more advanced, “201” workshop (“Implementing Trauma-Informed Practices to Foster Resilience and Success for Students”), Ricky will build upon the knowledge learned around educator well-being and understanding of ACEs to focus on transforming participants’ sphere of influence.

Rooted Relationships 2-Day Jackson

Rooted Relationships

2-Day Josephine County
Create a classroom/school environment where students feel encouraged and engaged in learning, solve their own friendship issues, and feel a sense of connection, value and challenge. In this workshop participants will learn the basics of Positive Discipline and will acquire many tools with which to implement this approach. This experiential workshop will model ideas for connection and community building. You’ll gain basic theory and tools of Positive Discipline that you can implement right away.

Restorative Circles: Cultivating Resilience and Compassion through Understanding

1/2-Day Josephine County
Join Resolve Center for Dispute Resolution and Restorative Justice to learn how restorative circles cultivate resilience within our communities. Through dynamic discussions and hands-on activities, participants will gain practical skills to facilitate circles to build connection and social awareness in diverse settings, fostering a culture of collective resilience.

Rooted Relationships 2-Day Josephine

Rooted Relationships

2-Day Josephine County
Create a classroom/school environment where students feel encouraged and engaged in learning, solve their own friendship issues, and feel a sense of connection, value and challenge. In this workshop participants will learn the basics of Positive Discipline and will acquire many tools with which to implement this approach. This experiential workshop will model ideas for connection and community building. You’ll gain basic theory and tools of Positive Discipline that you can implement right away.

Dignity Classrooms 1-Day Josephine County

Dignity Classrooms– Josephine County

1-Day Josephine County
Are you looking for practical ideas to support belonging, engagement, and achievement for each and every one of your students?
In this course, you will learn how to create a classroom where belonging and dignity provide the opportunity for each student (and teacher) to thrive. Experience the necessary ingredients: a Dignity Promise (co-created vision of the class community), Dignity Connections (positive social connectedness that nurture healthy belonging), Dignity Expectations (co-constructed success criteria that supports the Dignity Promise), and Dignity Actions (behaviors, practices, and policies that honor the inherent value/worth of each person in the community). Learn how to use these elements in a process of classroom-based continuous improvement.

Studying Skillful Teaching Module 1 Stand Alone 1-Day Klamath

Studying Skillful Teaching Module 1 Stand Alone

1-Day Klamath County
This module is an overview of the organization of the knowledge base as it is described in The Skillful Teacher (Saphier, Haley-Speca, Gower, 2018) text. This session will include a survey of the eighteen areas of performance that a teacher must attend to in everyday instruction within four categories: curriculum and lesson planning, motivating students, delivering instruction, and managing a classroom. Participants will develop an understanding and be able to apply the three key concepts of area of performance, repertoire, and matching.

Transformational Social Emotional Learning Framework & Standards 1-Day Klamath

Transformational Social Emotional Learning Framework & Standards

1-Day Klamath County
Join us for a half-day informational workshop diving into the TSEL Standards implementation in Oregon for the 2024/25 school year. Participants will receive an overview of the TSEL Framework and Standards, followed by a deep dive into the Stages of Implementation, with dedicated time for collaborative workshopping of school/classroom Implementation Plans. We’ll explore strategies for integrating TSEL Standards into grade-level content and curriculum, and review assessment and reflection tools. Additionally, organized resources will be shared to take back to staff and colleagues. This workshop promises to be an enriching experience, equipping participants with the knowledge and resources necessary to create supportive learning environments.

Reframing Behavior: Understanding The WHY of Behavior and How to Respond 1/2-Day Hybrid

Reframing Behavior: Understanding The WHY of Behavior and How to Respond

1/2-Day Hybrid
How we understand and respond to behavior can significantly impact our ability to support students. In this workshop, participants will learn about some basic neuroscience concepts that impact student behavior and how this applies to the escalation and deescalation cycle. Participants will then engage in an interactive activity aimed to understand how they can use this knowledge to reframe how to understand and manage student behavior

Educators of Color Empowerment Network 2 Hr virtual

Educators of Color Empowerment Network

2 Hr Virtual
We invite you to continue the co-creation of this beloved community with us, Educators of Color Empowerment Network. An ā€œeducatorā€ is classified, licensed, admin, higher ed, anyone who works with youth in a school community. This could also include the non profit, philanthropic, and Tribal organizations.

The intention of this virtual meeting is to gather educators from Jackson, Josephine, and Klamath counties to begin supporting other BIPoC educators throughout the region. With our guiding organization, SOREN, at the helm we want to ensure that BIPoC educators’ voices are heard in creating communities of safety, significance, and belonging throughout the Rogue Valley. Please remember, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. We look forward to meeting you.

Understanding Neurodiversity: Supporting Neurodivergent Students in the Inclusive Classroom 1/2-Day Hybrid

Understanding Neurodiversity: Supporting Neurodivergent Students in the Inclusive Classroom

1/2-Day Hybrid
Neurodiversity and neuro-affirming practices offer a new perspective in supporting our diverse students. In this workshop, we will share emerging philosophies of diversity and how to best support neurodiverse students within the classroom. Participants will leave with knowledge and tools to put into practice.

Understanding the IEP: Neuro-affirming Approaches and Supports 1/2-Day Hybrid

Understanding the IEP: Neuro-affirming Approaches and Supports

1/2-Day Hybrid
Understanding and implementing the Individualized Education Program (IEP) is critical for student success. In this workshop, we will discuss the IEP process, how to read and understand the IEP, ensure neuro-affirming accommodations are included, and how to best support those across educational environments.

Crafting Your Equity Lens Alumni Gathering 1-Day Jackson

Crafting Your Equity Lens Alumni Gathering

1-Day Jackson County
This gathering is for Alumni of any Crafting Your Equity Lens workshop. It is an opportunity to come together and craft a beloved community while doing so through our personal Equity Lens. This emergent gathering is filled with opportunities to heal together, share in each other’s JOY, spark each other’s curiosity, and help support each other in areas of building the NEW! Please make sure everyone who you know has crafted their Equity Lens has been invited to the Alumni Gathering!

Civil Discourse in the Classroom 1/2-Day Jackson

Civil Discourse in the Classroom

1-Day Jackson County
The democratic systems of our republic require conversation and compromise to solve problems. At Civics Learning Project, we believe students need to practice deliberative democracy in order to be the functioning community members we hope they become in adulthood. This interactive workshop aims to provide educators with practical strategies for classroom use to facilitate productive student discourse, with emphasis on ways to strengthen classroom conversations and community engagement. This event is open to educators of all kinds (classroom teachers, school administrators, and other professionals in K-12 education). We invite you to read our anchor text for the workshop, Civil Discourse: Classroom Conversations for Stronger Communities, in advance of our discussion.

Setting Up Your Classroom for Success: Creating Your Classroom Visual Supports 1-Day Jackson

Setting Up Your Classroom for Success: Creating Your Classroom Visual Supports

1-Day Jackson County
How we create an environment for success starts with our structure and physical supports. In this workshop, we will discuss setting up your special education classroom for student and staff success with the use of visual supports, schedules, and other essential classroom supports. In the second part of the day, you will have the opportunity to make and take visual supports of your choosing that will benefit your classroom.

Transform Student Behavior by Harnessing the Power Connection 1-Day Jackson

Transform Student Behavior by Harnessing the Power Connection

1-Day Jackson County
Everyone knows why building connections with students is so important, but couldnā€™t we all benefit from the playbook on how to do it? This full-day workshop provides practical and immediately applicable strategies to reinvigorate and improve behavioral management strategies by harnessing the power of connection. Leave with the tools you need to build a culture of connection in your school where students and educators thrive!

Dignity and Belonging Think Tank with John Krownapple and Floyd Cobb 1-Day Jackson

Dignity and Belonging Think Tank with John Krownapple and Floyd Cobb

1-Day Jackson County
This offering is for anyone who has engaged in a book study, leadership fellowship, or any other class with John Krownapple. We will be gathering at The Oregon Extension to practice the openness, patience, empathy, and listening. The Dignity and Belonging Think Tank is an opportunity to gather in community to integrate and extend our collective learning and co-create ways to spread and scale the conditions for dignity and belonging to thrive – improving experiences and outcomes for educators, students, and families.

Exciting News!Ā  Co-author, FLOYD COBB,Ā  Belonging through a Culture of Dignity, will be joining John in Southern Oregon for the first time ever!

Teach from Your Best Self Practical Strategies 1-Day Jackson

Teach from Your Best Self Practical Strategies

1-Day Jackson County
This Teach from Your Best Self one day course will take many of the most immediately applicable elements from Teach from Your Best Self, so you can teach in a way that decreases burnout while increasing personal fulfillment and student learning.

Transformational Social Emotional Learning Framework & Standards 1/2-Day Josephine

Transformational Social Emotional Learning Framework & Standards

1/2-Day Josephine County
Join us for a half-day informational workshop diving into the TSEL Standards implementation in Oregon for the 2024/25 school year. Participants will receive an overview of the TSEL Framework and Standards, followed by a deep dive into the Stages of Implementation, with dedicated time for collaborative workshopping of school/classroom Implementation Plans. We’ll explore strategies for integrating TSEL Standards into grade-level content and curriculum, and review assessment and reflection tools. Additionally, organized resources will be shared to take back to staff and colleagues. This workshop promises to be an enriching experience, equipping participants with the knowledge and resources necessary to create supportive learning environments.

Deep Dive into Creativity and Collaboration with Canva for Education 1-Day Josephine

Deep Dive into Creativity and Collaboration with Canva for Education

1-Day Josephine County
In this interactive workshop, we will take a deep dive into the infinite creative and collaborative possibilities with Canva for Education. We will spend the first half of our time exploring the template marketplace and the Design Editor. The second half will focus on how to create incredible learning experiences for students including capturing and demonstrating student learning, reflection, and executive functioning. You will come away with a variety of ideas to bring into the new year as well as a make-and-take design that you will be able to use immediately!

Transform Student Behavior by Harnessing the Power Connection 1-Day Klamath

Transform Student Behavior by Harnessing the Power Connection

1-Day Klamath County
Everyone knows why building connections with students is so important, but couldnā€™t we all benefit from the playbook on how to do it? This full-day workshop provides practical and immediately applicable strategies to reinvigorate and improve behavioral management strategies by harnessing the power of connection. Leave with the tools you need to build a culture of connection in your school where students and educators thrive!

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