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Central Point

Kukitas Child Care

By Central Point, City, Classroom staff can communicate with your child in, Does this site offer extended care hours?, English and Spanish, Family Child Care / Home-Based Preschool, Jackson County, Location, No, Program can offer verbal and written communication in the following languages, Program curriculum is primarily offered in, Program is DHS listed, Program utilizes social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum or approach (example: Conscious Discipline, Second Step, etc.), Provider Type, Spanish and English, Spanish and English, Transportation Available, Yes, Yes, Yes

Address: 104 Wilson Rd., Central Point, ORĀ  97502

Contact Name: Gregoria Cardenas

Phone: 541-951-9170


Provider Type: Family Child Care / Home-based Preschool

Program curriculum is primarily offered in: Both Spanish and English

Classroom staff can communicate with your child in: Spanish and English
* Participating Preschool Promise programs are inclusive and open to all children regardless of their primary language. Preschool Promise programs may need to reach out to Preschool Promise coaches for tools and resources to help them support communication in other languages

Program can offer verbal and written communication in the following languages: Spanish and English
*Program staff may need to use translation tools and/or services to provide communication in other languages to families if needed

Program offers classroom instruction in: Spanish & English

Transportation is available: No

Preschool Promise Operating Hours:

  • Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 2:00 pm

Does this site offer extended care hours? Yes

  • Monday – Friday 7:00 am – 8:00 am
  • Monday – Friday 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Program is currently listed with the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) aka “DHS Listed” and able to accept Employment Related Day Care (ERDC) subsidies? Yes

Preschool Promise Program Year:

  • September 16, 2024 – June 13, 2025

Description: Our mission is to provide equitable service to all families. Giving the children positive feedback and information for the parents when needed. Give them an environment, healthy, safe, stimulating, and where the child feels loved. Their race and culture respected. Our program is bilingual. We include creative curriculum activities, observations and evaluations. We work with experts from the Preschool Promise program who help us find solutions.

Program utilizes social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum or approach (example: Conscious Discipline, Second Step, etc.): Yes

Experience or Specialized Trainings: I participate in Oregon Quality Improvement (Spark)

Other Services Provided: After-school childcare

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