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Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

By News
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) [image provided by: CDC/ Alissa Eckert, MS; Dan Higgins, MAMS]

SOESD has been coordinating with regional county health departments, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) regarding information and protocols to address coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Oregon. As cases of COVID-19 are identified by OHA and local community health officials, we have been coordinating plans to address specific interventions in communities and school districts recommended by health officials and the Oregon Department of Education (ODE).

Over the weekend, OHA identified presumptive cases of COVID-19 in several communities where SOESD serves, including: Douglas, Jackson, and Klamath counties. Available information indicates there remain no known cases of COVID-19 in Douglas County, Jackson County, Josephine County, and Klamath County schools.

OHA and ODE recommend against canceling events or closing schools and campuses where no cases of COVID-19 are present. The CDC, OHA, local community health authorities, ODE, and school districts are recommending specific interventions found in the resources below, to protect you and students against the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections:

  • Anyone with a fever or symptoms of acute respiratory illness are recommended to stay home until free of fever and any other symptoms for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue and then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using regular household cleaners or wipes.
  • Take care of your health overall. Staying current on your vaccinations, including flu vaccine, eating well and exercising all help your body stay resilient.
  • A facemask should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. It is not recommended that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
  • Consult the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) travel website for any travel advisories and steps to protect yourself if you plan to travel outside of the US.

The following resources answer questions about COVID-19 and using preventative measures:

SOESD plans to provide information at As always, our highest concern is for the safety and protection of our children and staff.


Scott Beveridge
Southern Oregon ESD Superintendent

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) [image provided by: CDC/ Alissa Eckert, MS; Dan Higgins, MAMS]

March 9, 2020: SOESD has been coordinating with regional county health departments, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) regarding information and protocols to address coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Oregon. As cases of COVID-19 are identified by OHA and local community health officials, we have been coordinating plans to address specific interventions in communities and school districts recommended by health officials and the Oregon Department of Education (ODE).

Over the weekend, OHA identified presumptive cases of COVID-19 in several communities where SOESD serves, including: Douglas, Jackson, and Klamath counties. Available information indicates there remain no known cases of COVID-19 in Douglas County, Jackson County, Josephine County, and Klamath County schools.

OHA and ODE recommend against canceling events or closing schools and campuses where no cases of COVID-19 are present. The CDC, OHA, local community health authorities, ODE, and school districts are recommending specific interventions found in the resources below, to protect you and students against the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections:

  • Anyone with a fever or symptoms of acute respiratory illness are recommended to stay home until free of fever and any other symptoms for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue and then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using regular household cleaners or wipes.
  • Take care of your health overall. Staying current on your vaccinations, including flu vaccine, eating well and exercising all help your body stay resilient.
  • A facemask should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. It is not recommended that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
  • Consult the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) travel website for any travel advisories and steps to protect yourself if you plan to travel outside of the US.

The following resources answer questions about COVID-19 and using preventative measures:

SOESD plans to provide information at As always, our highest concern is for the safety and protection of our children and staff.


Scott Beveridge
Southern Oregon ESD Superintendent

Oregon Math Standards Revision Review hosted by Mark Freed of ODE

By News, School Improvement Services, School-Wide Improvement

Please join us for the Oregon Math Standards Revision Review that will be hosted by Mark Freed from the Oregon Department of Education. Mark will be sharing the work he has been doing in preparation for revising the math standards in the State of Oregon.Ā  The goal of this review is to interact with, and gather math teacherā€™s feedback regarding this work before itsĀ goalsĀ are finalized.

This opportunity is available to math, and CTE teachers.Ā Ā There will be two opportunities for you to connect, and interact with Mark regarding the upcoming changes to Oregonā€™s math standards.Ā  The first revision review will be on Thursday, April 16th at Klamath Union High School from 3:30-5:00 pm.

The second review will be held on Friday, April 17th at Rogue River High School from 3:30-5:00 pm.Ā  The Oregon Department of Education and the Southern Or ESD would love to have your insight, and feedback on Oregonā€™s upcoming math standards.Ā  Please join us, and see the links below to register!

Oregon Math Standards Revision Review April 16th 2020 Klamath Union High School-ĀĀ 

Oregon Math Standards Revision Review April 17th 2020 Rogue River High School –


Promising Practices Symposium

By News, School Improvement Services, School-Wide Improvement

Chief Science Officers (CSOā€™s) from Talent Middle School presented at the Promising Practices Symposium along with Hidden Valley High School CSOā€™s about their role, their individual and group leadership projects and the impact their projects will have on their schools and their communities. CSO’s role is to help inspire students in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) and to demonstrate leadership in these areas through a project that benefits those around them.

Positive Discipline in the Classroom

By News, School Improvement Services

A Positive Discipline Workshop we held on Feb. 3th and 4th at OIT for educators serving in Klamath County. SOESD’s comprehensive, research-based professional development program empowers educators to connect with youth and address the root causes of misbehavior.

In this workshop educators learned how to:


Event to increase regular attendance in Southern Oregon

By Attendance, News

On Feb. 5, 2020 at Bigham Knoll in Jacksonville, educators gathered to gain tools to increase attendance at local schools. Increasing regular attendance in Southern Oregon revolves around building school cultures that promote safety, belonging and mattering for all of the students we serve within our school communities. The day of learning was designed around two topics that have been communicated as top priorities by our district leaders:

1. Supporting our LGBTQ+ students within an inclusive school community
2. Supporting our educators in continuing to build trauma-informed practices and systems that increase our ability to help our students and staff stay regulated during the school day and beyond

Creating safe and affirming learning environments is critical to fostering achievement and equity for all students. This work is both personal and professional and invites educators to explore our own biases and behaviors as we develop new mindsets, skills, and practices that empower all students, including those who are LGBTQ+. In this session educators, explored: guiding principles of LGBTQ+ cultural proficiency in schools; insight into the diversity, strengths, and struggles embodied among LGBTQ+ youth; and strategies for building safe and affirming classrooms and schools for LGBTQ+ students, staff, and families.

Ricky Robertson was in town for the week to help focus the equity lens within our trauma-informed practices with practical tools for both educators and their students.

We are so thankful that Ricky is joining us again to continue and deepen the work he began earlier this year through a lens of increasing regular attendance for ALL students and educators.

Intro to High Tech Tools for Schools

By News, School Improvement Services, School-Wide Improvement

From the SOESD Lending Library

This FREE, student-centered, teacher-friendly professional development opportunity, which is being offered once a month through May, introduces educators to the SOESD STEAM Lending Library. Alli French of Talent Maker City will provide participants with an engaging, hands-on introduction to everything in the STEAM Lending Library–including SNAP circuit kits, Makey Makeys, laser engravers, 3D printers, green screens, and Lego robotics. Please join us for a day of play and learn how to incorporate some of these new and FREE educator tools into your classroom, courtesy of SOESD.

Monday Feb 10th, 2020 1 to 4 pm

Instructor: Alli French
Location: Talent Maker City

Monday March 16th, 2020 1 to 4pm

Instructor: Alli French
Location: Henley High School

Monday April 13th, 2020 1 to 4 pm

Instructor: Alli French
Location: Talent Maker City

Monday May 11th, 2020 1 to 4 pm

Instructor: Alli French
Location: Talent Maker City

PDUs: 3

Note: This class is being offered once a month through May in an effort to accommodate teachersā€™ busy schedules.

Register by clicking on one of the event dates above or

going to PD Networks and putting “High Tech Tools” in the search field

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