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Child Care Resource Network offers services to Southern Oregon’s Jackson and Josephine counties and is part of a nationwide child care resource and referral network. Our scope of work includes:

  • Trainings for providers to increase knowledge and skills, become and stay licensed, and improve their quality of care
  • Provider coaching around best practices for health and safety, early literacy, special needs care, operating a small business, partnering with parents, and more
  • Supporting child care providers to participate in Spark, Oregon’s Quality Rating and Improvement System, to achieve a star rating
  • Consumer education on quality child care and best practices
  • Coordinating a database with 211info of over 400 child care providers so referrals are up to date and accurate
Fall Newsletter
El boletƭn del otoƱo
Fall Training Calendar
Training Request Form
Click Here to learn about Healthcare for Early Childhood Workers
Haga un clic aquƭ para aprender mƔs sobre un plan de salud para trabajadores en primera infancia



9:00am to 4:30pm

Physical Address:
3132 State Street #210
Medford, OR 97501
Phone: (541) 776-8590, ext. 1126

Mailing Address:
101 N. Grape Street
Medford, OR 97501

For assistance in finding a child care provider please contact 211info for information and referrals. Call: 211Ā  Text: the keyword children to 898211Ā  Email: Ā Ā Visit:

Training registration:
By phone: 541-776-6768

Staff Contact Information

Cynthia Anderson
Child Care Resource Network Manager / 541-776-8590, ext. 1110

Molly Clement
Preschool Promise Specialist / 541-776-8590, ext. 1125

Devon Finley
Child Care Provider Consultant/QI Specialist/Grant Coordinator / 541-776-8590, ext. 1118

Martha Ibarra
Preschool Promise Coordinator/QI Specialist – English, Spanish / 541-776-8590, ext. 1122

Lorena Juarez
Child Care Specialist/QI Specialist – English, Spanish / 541-776-8590, ext. 1119

Katrina McGrath
Quality Improvement Specialist / 541-776-8590, ext. 1197

Kevin Ratkovich
Preschool Promise Quality Specialist and Coach / 541-776-8590, ext. 1147

Candelaria Romero
QI Specialist/Infant-Toddler Specialist/Focused Child Care Network- English, Spanish / 541-776-8590, ext. 1112

Kelly Shepherd
Administrative Assistant III / 541-776-8590, ext. 1126

Equity Statement

We believe that diversityĀ extends to identities beyondĀ just race, to ethnicity, gender, age, abilities, socioeconomic status, religion, political and ideological viewpoints, andĀ more. We will strive for an inclusive community that embraces all its membersĀ and actively encourages allĀ voices to be heard.

DeclaraciĆ³n Equitativa

Nosotros creemos que la diversidad se extiende a identidades mĆ”s allĆ” de raza, grupo Ć©tnico, gĆ©nero, edad habilidades, estado socioeconĆ³mico, religiĆ³n, puntos de vista polĆ­ticos e ideolĆ³gicos, y mĆ”s. Nos esforzaremos para crear una comunidad inclusiva que acepte a todos sus miembros y los anime activamente a que sus voces sean escuchadas. Por para assistencia en Espanol favor de comunicarse con Lorena Juarez at 541-842-2610.

Inclusive Support Line Services

HomeSchoolingFREE Consultation Support for Child Care Centers, Family Child Care Homes & School-Age Programs

Jackson County and Josephine County


Cell phone (541) 776-8590 ext. 1126

CCRN Inclusive Support Line

The Inclusive Support Line is a FREE program to offer assistance and consultation to support quality, inclusive child care and education for all children, including those with disabilities, challenging behaviors, or special health care needs. Any early educator should contact the Inclusive Support Line if they have concerns or are not sure how to best meet the needs of a child.

Types of support:

  • Ideas and suggestions for making accommodations or adaptations to the child care environment to create inclusive classrooms.
  • Resources, recommendations, information, and specific strategies to respond effectively to the array of behaviors children may exhibit.
  • Training opportunities on a range of topics related to child development, child care environment, challenging behaviors, assessment, and inclusion.
  • Assistance on engaging parents as partners and sharing difficult messages.
  • Information on services and resources available through other agencies.

Inclusive Support Line Flyer English
Servicios de la Linea de Apoyo
Release of Information
Permiso para dar y recibir informacion
ADA Questions Regarding Child Care

Assistance and consultation by: phone, email, on-site visits, trainings and resources & information.
Funded by the Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities Inclusive Partners

Child Care Provider Resources

Types of Child Care

Types of Child Care in Oregon

Licensed (regulated) Child Care

Child care means the care and supervision of a child, on a regular basis, unaccompanied by their parent or guardian, in a place other than the childā€™s own home, with or without compensation. If a child care program is being operated by a provider that doesnā€™t match any of the descriptions of license exempt child care (see below), it will need to be licensed with the Early Learning Division Office of Child Care.

Becoming a licensed child care provider means that you intend to operate a child care program that meets the health and safety standards and requirements set by the State of Oregon. There are three types of licensing categories:

  • Registered Family ā€“ in home, with up to 10 children in care. There are specific ratios of age groups for children in care. A Registered Family (RF) provider can specialize in one age group, or care for children from infant to school age.
  • Certified Family ā€“ can be in-home, may also be at a separate home site. Depending on square footage and staff, may care for 12-16 children. Must have a minimum of one-year experience as an RF provider or meet teaching credential/experience requirements.
  • Certified Center ā€“ at a commercial site. Must work directly with licensing specialists and meet health, safety, square footage, and teaching credential requirements. May specialize in one age group or serve many. Usually has multiple classrooms, teachers, and aides.

Licensed providers are all required to go through a process set by the State of Oregon which includes a healthy and safety set of trainings, lead testing, and a home inspection. They are required to participate in ongoing training hours in the field of early childhood education in order to support high quality child care and early learning opportunities.

Licensed providers are eligible to participate in Spark ā€“ Oregonā€™s Quality Rating and Improvement System. Spark documents the level of quality of care in a program and participants will earn a star rating.

A licensed provider must renew their license every 1-2 years (depending on certification type).

Oregonā€™s Early Learning Division Office of Child Care has created a Child Care Safety Portal. The portal is a resource for parents and families to check on the safety and quality of licensed child care programs in Oregon. The Portal lets you search for a child care provider and view their licensing history over a period of time. .

All licensed child care providers undergo a background check and are listed in the Central Background Registry. This includes and staff or other adults who may be alone with children.

If you are interested in becoming a licensed child care provider in Oregon, you may contact Child Care Resource Network for assistance at 541-776-8590, ext. 1126 or email at .

Oregonā€™s Early Learning Division Office of Child Care can be reached at: 1-800-556-6616.

Exempt Child Care

Some types of child care are not required to be licensed with the Early Learning Division Office of Child Care. The following is a list of exemptions. If any of the following exemptions apply to you, the type of care you want to provide may not be required to be licensed but you may be required to record as a program. If you want to operate a preschool or school-age program that meets recording requirements, you will need to submit a recorded program application through Office of Child Care.

The following are exempt from licensing (regulated care)

  • You provide care in the home of the child and all children present, not including your own children, reside in the home.
  • You are related to all the children being cared for.
  • All the children cared for ā€“ not including your own children ā€“ are from the same family.
  • The number of days children are cared for is not more than 70 days in a year.
  • You provide care for three or fewer children, not including your own children, at any one time.
  • You operate a program that is for school-age children, is focused on a single enrichment activity and operates for no more than eight hours a week.
  • You operate a program that is mostly a group athletic or social activity and is sponsored by an organized club or hobby group.
  • You operate a parent cooperative child care program. Parents of the children in care must provide care on a rotating basis and the program cannot operate for more than four hours per day.
  • The program is operated by a school district, political subdivision of the state or a governmental agency.
  • You operate a program in a facility that provides care to children while the parents remain on the premises and are engaged in an activity offered by the facility or in other non-work activity.
  • You operate a preschool recorded program or a school-age recorded program. To learn more about recorded programs click here:

If you have questions about Exempt care, you may contact Child Care Resource Network for assistance at 541-776-8590, ext. 1126 or email at .

DHS Listed Child Care

A DHS child care provider may be either regulated (licensed) or exempt from licensing.

To be eligible for payment from the Department of Human Services (DHS), the provider must be listed with DHS. Being Listed with DHS means that you have completed the necessary trainings and background check in order for DHS to pay the child care subsidy for families receiving assistance.

If you are interested in becoming a DHS Listed provider, you may contact Child Care Resource Network for assistance at 541-776-8590, ext. 1126 or email at .

DHS Direct Pay Unit can be reached at: 1-800-699-907

Become a Licensed Child Care Provider

Become a Licensed Child Care Provider

Licensed (regulated) Child Care

Child care means the care and supervision of a child, on a regular basis, unaccompanied by their parent or guardian, in a place other than the childā€™s own home, with or without compensation. If a child care program is being operated by a provider that doesnā€™t match any of the descriptions of license exempt child care (see below), it will need to be licensed with the Early Learning Division Office of Child Care.

Becoming a licensed child care provider means that you intend to operate a child care program that meets the health and safety standards and requirements set by the State of Oregon.

Registered Family Child Care (RF)

Child Care Resource Network can help you navigate the steps toward becoming an in-home Registered Family (RF) Child Care provider.

* If you are interested in exploring other licensing certifications (Certified Family or Certified Center), please contact Child Care Resource Network to help connect you to licensing at 541-776-8590, ext. 1126 or email at .

You may also contact Oregonā€™s Early Learning Division Office of Child Care at 1-800-556-6616.

The Process of Becoming of Registered Family Child Care Provider

Checklist for becoming licensed as a Registered Family Provider

Step 1) Introduction to Registered Family Child Care

There are two parts to the Introduction to Registered Family Child Care class. The required Part One class is available online at:Ā You must take Part One before you can register for Part Two. This brief online training will answer general questions about licensing and help you to understand the requirements as set by the State of Oregon.

Part Two is the in-person training conducted by staff at Child Care Resource Network. You must attend this after completing Part One online. This free class provides a rule book, resources to help you be successful, information about Child Care Resource & Referral, and more. You must pre-register.

Step 2) Central Background Registry

To become licensed, you and everyone in your home over the age of 18, including frequent or common visitors, must be a part of the Central Background Registry. It is recommended that this is one of the first steps you take so that the processing time can be used to complete the required trainings.

Step 3) Required Health & Safety Trainings

These trainings may be taken in any order:

  • Introduction to Child Care Health & Safety – This training is free and available online here:
  • Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect – This training is free and available online here:Ā
  • Adult & Pediatric CPR and First Aid – This is an in-person training. If taken through Child Care Resource Network, the fee for the training is $50 payable by cash or check. These trainings are offered monthly in Medford and quarterly in Grants Pass. We can also provide the names and contact information of other CPR instructors in the area.
  • Food Handler card – This training is free and available online here:
  • Safe Sleep training – This training is free and available online here:
  • Foundations for Learning – This training is free and available online here:
  • Prevention is Better than Treatment – This training is free and available online here:

*If you have difficulties accessing a computer, please contact Child Care Resource Network and we will be happy to provide assistance.

Step 4) Lead Testing

The Early Learning Council approved new requirements for child care providers to prevent children in their care from being exposed to lead. All state-regulated child care providers must begin testing for lead in their drinking water and sending test results to the Office of Child Care. If the test results come in at or higher than ā€œ15 parts per billion (ppb),ā€ the provider must make changes to prevent lead exposure.

The harmful impact of lead exposure is well known and documented. There is no safe blood lead level for people. Lead is especially harmful to young children and pregnant women because of the impact on growth and brain development. Lead in water is most harmful to formula-fed infants. The most important step adults can take is to prevent lead exposure before it occurs.

Click here for more information:

You will learn more about this and receive paperwork at the in-person Introduction to Registered Family Child Care training.

Step 5) Submit Registered Family application

You will receive the Registered Family application at the in-person Introduction to Registered Family Child Care training. Once all of the above requirements have been completed (Central Background Registry, health & safety trainings, lead testing) you may submit your application. The Registered Family application will require that you submit copies of all your completed requirements and certifications. There is a $30 processing fee to apply for a license.

Step 6) Health & Safety Inspection

Once you have submitted your application and been approved, a licenser will contact you to set up a home Health & Safety Inspection. The Health and Safety inspection checklist will be reviewed at the in-person Introduction to Registered Family Child Care training.

Once you have passed the Health & Safety Inspection, you will receive your Registered Family License. The RF license is good for two-years. Within that two-year period you will be required to complete a minimum of 10 hours of ongoing Early Childhood Education trainings.

Professional Development is an important part of offering high quality care. Child Care Resource Network offers free trainings each quarter.

After you are licensed:

Become DHS Listed!

Complete and submit an Intake form to Child Care Resource Network so that parents may be referred to your program through 211

Connect with the USDA Food Program

Develop your contracts and policies

Contact Child Care Resource Network to participate in Spark ā€“ Oregonā€™s Quality Rating and Improvement System

Important resources:

Oregon Early Learning Division
Oregon's Spark - Quality Rating and Improvement System
Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS)

Become a DHS Listed Provider

Become Listed with DHS

In order to receive payment from DHS, an in-home provider must meet all DHS provider requirements, take part in a criminal background check, take required health & safety trainings and the DHS Orientation, test for lead in drinking water, and pass a home health & safety inspection (Non-relative care).

Registered Family, Certified Family, and Certified Center providers also need to be Listed in order to receive payment through DHS.

The DHS Listing Process:

For complete instructions click here:

Key information for Exempt In-Home providers (not licensed):

The process of being Listed with DHS is different depending on whether you are considered a relative to the child or children in question. DHS defines relative as: you are a grandparent, great-grandparent, aunt, uncle (does not include great-aunt and great-uncle) or a sibling not living in the home of the child that you intend to care for. Relationships must be established by blood, adoption or marriage. This also includes blood relationships established before the child was adopted. Relationships established by marriage continue even if a spouse dies.

Relative Care requirements are slightly different than non-relative care. Any required trainings must all be completed before the Listing Form is turned in to DHS.

Both Relative and Non-Relative care are required to take the online Introduction to Child Care Health & Safety training. Then please refer to the checklist below and to the instructions on the DHS Listing Form for the process that is specific to you.

Child Care Resource Network staff are also available to assist you. Please contact 541-776-8590, ext. 1126 or email .

Checklist to become ODHS Listed

Click here for more information on DHS provider requirements:

Click here for more information about the DHS Listing process and the link to the DHS Listing Form.

Click here to see current rates that DHS pays for child care. Rates are set by zip code.

Please note:

Being ā€œlistedā€ with DHS is NOT the same as being licensed with the Office of Child Care. In order to be paid by DHS, licensed providers still have to fill out the DHS listing form and return it to DHS.

Important Resources:

Direct Pay Unit (DPU): 1-800-699-9074 (toll-free) or 503-378-5500 (Salem area)

SEIU ā€” Union for license-exempt providers: 1-800-452-2146

The Adult & Pediatric CPR and First Aid Requirement

Adult & Pediatric CPR and First Aid training

Who needs it? Everyone! You are required to achieve this certification and re-certify every two years. You must keep proof of your current certification in your files.

*There is only one exception: if you are DHS Listed Relative Care and you have elected to not receive the higher rate of pay through the Enhanced Rate option.

This training MUST be taken in person.

Child Care Resource Network offers this training monthly in Medford and quarterly in Grants Pass. Please see our current training calendar for current offerings.

If a training date is full, or if you need certification before the next CCRN scheduled training, we can provide you with a list of CPR instructors in your area.

CPR Training Through CCRN:

You much register and pay in advance in order to attend a CPR training. Please register either through the CCRN Training Request Line: 541-776-6768 or use the online registration form on our home page at .

The fee for the CPR training through CCRN is $50. This fee must be paid in advance.

We currently can accept only a check (made out to First Response) or cash (exact change only).

We cannot confirm your spot in the training without payment. There are generally 15 spots available and your spot can only be confirmed with receipt of your payment. We cannot hold spots and we cannot receive payment at the door.

Should you miss the training, your payment is non-refundable unless you call in advance to let us know you must miss the training. Your payment will then be transferred to another training date. Your payment can be transferred once.

It is not possible to accept payment at the door. We have a maximum capacity of 15 unless we have arranged special circumstances in advance with the instructor.

There is no formal break in the training. You are encouraged to bring beverages and snacks to the training. We love children, but they are not welcome at this training. Please make appropriate child care arrangements.

Payment information:

Payment may be made by check or cash (exact change only). We cannot accept credit/debit cards. If you pay by check, please make it out to First Response. You may come by the CCRN office to pay or mail the payment. Our mailing address is: CCRN/SOESD, 101 N. Grape St., Medford, OR 97501. If you need to explore other payment arrangements, please contact CCRN at 541-776-8590, ext. 1126.

Exceptions to the payment requirement:

  • If you are licensed through the Office of Child Care as either a Registered Family or Certified Family Provider, your fee is covered by the Early Learning Division. You must be within your current licensing period. Please be prepared to provide your RF or CF license number when you register. If you are not able to take the CPR training through CCRN, you can be reimbursed for using an outside CPR instructor. The Reimbursement Form and W-9 can be downloaded here:
  • If you are Listed with DHS, and meet the following requirements you are eligible to have your fee covered: you are Active in the DHS system, and are currently serving a DHS family receiving the child care subsidy. If you meet these requirements, then your fee is covered by DHS. Please be prepared to provide your DHS Provider number when you register.

Certified Center Aide 1 or Assistant 1 Reimbursement:

If you work for a Certified Child Care Center as an Aide 1 or Assistant 1, you are eligible to be reimbursed for your CPR payment. You will need a Reimbursement Form and W-9 which can be downloaded here:

If you have questions about your CPR reimbursement, please follow up with Western Oregon University directly.

Western Oregon University

TRI/Central Coordination of CCR&R

345 Monmouth Ave N.

Monmouth, Oregon 97361

Phone: 1-800-342-6712

Spark! Oregon's Quality Rating and Improvement System

Spark – Oregon’s Quality Rating and Improvement System

Oregon’s Spark is a program that raises the quality and consistency of child care and early learning programs across the state. The Quality Rating System recognizes, rewards and builds on what early learning and development programs are already doing well. It helps ensure children in Spark programs are ready for kindergarten by connecting programs and providers with free tools, financial incentives and professional advice that they can put into practice with confidence.

Find a Spark star-rated program near you!

If you would like to become a Spark program, Child Care Resource Network is here to help you! Please contact us at 541-776-8590, ext. 1118.

Professional Development

Coming Soon! Please contact Child Care Resource Network for assistance with your professional development. 541-776-8590, ext. 1118

Business Resources for Child Care Providers

The Oregon Child Care Alliance

The OCCA helps child care providers and preschool owners get the support they need to run their business.Ā  Services are available in both English and Spanish, and Alliance members get access to mentorship, business coaching, business trainings, resources and business support.

This program is free to join and is available to licensed in-home providers and small centers, and those planning on becoming licensed within the next 6 months.Ā  Joining the Alliance is easy.Ā  Simply fill out a brief application online atĀ  OCCA members get a free website for their business, free bookkeeping software and tax help.

Learn about Oregon Child Care Alliance

Learn more about the Alliance and apply online at:

Contact Norma Pantoja at Child Care Resource Network for additional questions:


Parent Resources

How to Find Child Care through 211info

For assistance in finding a child care provider please contact 211info for information and referrals. You can contact 211 through several methods. We recommend that you call, listen for the child care provider prompt, and speak with someone who can help meet your particular needs.

Call: 211Ā  Text: the keyword children to 898211Ā  Email: Ā Ā Visit:

Parent Information Packet

Choosing care for your child is an extremely important decision. Below is a link to our Parent Information Packet. Within it you will find information on the types of child care in Oregon, how to look for quality in a child care program, questions you may want to ask your child care provider, and many more resources to help you as a parent.

Children need a supportive environment that is a good match to their personality and learning style. We encourage you to visit as many programs as you can to find the program that is the best fit for your child or children.

Parent Information Packet

Parenting Education

The Family Connection provides a regional parenting hub where parents can come together, learn effective parenting skills, be introduced to community resources and find support from other parents.

Find parenting education opportunities here:

Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)

Want to learn more about your child’s development? The Ages & Stages QuestionnairesĀ® (ASQ) are parent-completed questionnaires ages birth to five years. The results help determine if a childā€™s development is on schedule and helps parents learn more about what to expect at each step of development.


Vroom is a global program of the Bezos Family Foundation. They believe all parents have the potential to create a bright future for their children. Discover free, science-based tips and tools to help parents and caregivers give children a great start in life todayā€”and an even better future.

Learn more about Vroom!

Spark – Oregon’s Quality Rating and Improvement System

Oregon’s Spark is a program that raises the quality and consistency of child care and early learning programs across the state. The Quality Rating System recognizes, rewards and builds on what early learning and development programs are already doing well. It helps ensure children in Spark programs are ready for kindergarten by connecting programs and providers with free tools, financial incentives and professional advice that they can put into practice with confidence.

Find a Spark star-rated program near you!

Positive Parenting Newsfeed

The Positive Parenting Newsfeed covers the latest research in child development. Learn more here:

Upcoming Training Opportunities

Training Request Form

Online Child Care Professional Training:


Child Care Aware Academy ā€“ Online

Research based, online trainings on a variety of topics in English and Spanish

Go to


Care Courses ā€“ Online or Workbook

Over 70 different workbook and online courses on a wide range of topics

Go to


Child Care Education Institute

Specializes in providing online training and certificates, child care registry development, and administrative solutions for the early care and education industry

Go to


Pyramid Model Online Training

Here you can access the Pyramid Online Learning Modules, a new way to access training and support long-term outcomes. These professional development resources help the early childhood workforce support the social-emotional development of infants and young children

Go to


Early Childhood Investigations Webinars

High quality webinars on a wide variety of early leaning topics from experts in the field. Attendee can earn .2 CEUs for each webinar. The cost is $15 paid to University of Oklahoma online when you apply

Go to


Portland State University Online ECE Training

Access ECE trainings offered by Portland State University/Oregon Registry at no cost

Go to


Staff Contact Information

Training registration:
By phone: 541-776-6768
Online form:

Cynthia Anderson
Child Care Resource Network Manager / 541-776-8590, ext. 1110

Molly Clement
Preschool Promise Specialist / 541-776-8590, ext. 1125

Devon Finley
Child Care Provider Consultant/QI Specialist/Grant Coordinator / 541-776-8590, ext. 1118

Martha Ibarra
Preschool Promise Coordinator/QI Specialist – English, Spanish / 541-776-8590, ext. 1122

Lorena Juarez
Child Care Specialist/QI Specialist – English, Spanish / 541-776-8590, ext. 1119

Katrina McGrath
Quality Improvement Specialist / 541-776-8590, ext. 1197

Kevin Ratkovich
Preschool Promise Quality Specialist and Coach / 541-776-8590, ext. 1147

Candelaria Romero
QI Specialist/Infant-Toddler Specialist/Focused Child Care Network- English, Spanish / 541-776-8590, ext. 1112

Kelly Shepherd
Administrative Assistant III / 541-776-8590, ext. 1126

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